I just want things to work without any major graphical or audio glitches. In fact, I'm almost certain my 7-year-old computer would struggle if I tried. I'm not necessarily looking to emulate things 1:1. I don't think Google has ever been less helpful for me in my life then in regards to this query, and that's saying something, considering how bad I am with it usually. Apparently, not only are there a LOT more versions for this one emulator then there were 3 years ago, there's also other emulators with their own pros and cons. I thought it would be as easy as looking it up on Google to see what settings I should be using.
But the sound occasionally cuts out - seemingly at random, at any and all times - and the battle transitions often look extremely buggy and unpleasant for about 2 or 3 seconds. I've been playing FF8 on ePSXe 1.7.0 for a few days now.
(sup SMW Central? Man, how long's it been? Long enough that my profile got eaten, evidently.